Linggo, Agosto 18, 2013

first meeting

network management  IT2

Hmmmmpp in our first meeting i've learned some of the topic like the kinds of  TOPOLOGY
*LOGICAL TOPOLOGY- which defines how the media is accessed by the host for sending data.
*BUS TOPOLOY- IT IS A use a sigle backbone cable that is terminated at the both end.
*RING TOPOLOY-connects one host to the next and the last host to the first.
*STAR TOPOLOGY- connect all cables   to a central points of connections .
*EXTENDED STAR TOPOLOGY- links individual stars together by connecting the hub and switches.
*MESH TOPOLOGY-PROVIDE AS MUCH PROTECTION  as possible from interruption .

    -WAN's- wide area network
       WAN's  operate over a large geographical area. USE a router,communication server,                          modem,.
-LAN's- local area network

-MAN's- metropolitant area network

SWITCH-  add more intelligence to data transfer management.
HUB- connect a group of host.
ROUTER- are use  to connect network together.

                                                                                                                   juliet canete  IT2

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